Proto-industrial relations in pottery production. Manises and Paterna in the middle of the 15th century
This article studies the changes in the organization of pottery production during the 15th century in two small towns near Valencia, Paterna and Manises. In these small towns arose a vibrant sector of enterprising artisans and tradesmen which starts to coordinate and manage much of the production of local pottery workshops. These elite group of artisans and tradesmen developed a high level of pottery production which allowed them to cope with big orders of thousands of pieces in few months, coming from the export merchants settled in Valencia. These merchants supplied certain raw materials, and imposed deadlines, quantities and qualities.Downloads
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Llibrer Escrig, A. (2014). Proto-industrial relations in pottery production. Manises and Paterna in the middle of the 15th century. Medievalism, (24), 213–239. Retrieved from