Objects and forms animation in murcian cineístas. International animation influences in amateur cinema


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/imafronte.496201
Keywords: Murcia, cinema, animation, stop motion, cineísta


The amateur film movement which emerged in Murcia in the fifties is one of the most outstanding elements in the culture and art of the city in the last century. With a wide and varied production of short films, Murcia became the second national focus in this kind of creations, being Barcelona the leader. The goals of this study are valuing the remarkable role of animation films in the mentioned production,  specifically those animating objects and abstract forms, as well as evidencing the important influence that the main international directors of this type of animation had on them.


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How to Cite
Salas González, C. . (2022). Objects and forms animation in murcian cineístas. International animation influences in amateur cinema. Imafronte, (29), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.6018/imafronte.496201

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