The construcction of the american archetype. The cinematographic and television image of Abraham Lincoln in the Unites States


Keywords: Historic cinema, Abraham Lincoln, United States, memory, popular culture


The historical legacy of Abraham Lincoln has made him probably the most important U.S. president. His support of the Union, the abolition of slavery and the Civil War have made him the central figure of contemporary American understanding. That is why Lincoln has been a landmark in American film history. From early filming to the present day, the 16th President has been a representational archetype of the historical periods in which his figure has been reconstructed. A figure mainly linked to periods of crisis in which his mediating character and political intelligence were endorsed as models of American affirmation. Lincoln, who had been able to unite and reconcile the nation in the most critical period of its young chronology, became the model for the construction of the American myth. His mention shed light on the dark periods of depression and the Second World War. When his country became the world’s hegemonic power, his figure was transmuted into visual memory as a reference in the face of abuses of power and manipulative policies.


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17-11-2021 — Updated on 17-11-2021
How to Cite
Mancebo Roca, J. A. (2021). The construcction of the american archetype. The cinematographic and television image of Abraham Lincoln in the Unites States. Imafronte, (28), 1–20.