Un homme est mort. A filmic writing of History, through social intervention cinema


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/imafronte.465471
Keywords: ‘social intervention cinema’, political censorship, preventive conservation, cultural legacy, new historiographies


The captivating artistic legacy of René Vautier (1928-2015) clashes with the lack of research on the impact of his extraordinary career, given the notable value of his work. Vautier is a key example that illustrates the cracks in the schemas of traditional historiography, unable to recognise the plurality of voices and opinions that should be taken into account to rewrite History.

The taste for reality and historical truth so taken to the extreme in his films resulted in a large list of institutional problems. Through the analysis of the social and artistic impact of one of his very first films, Un homme est mort, we will understand why some artists were considered secondary or irrelevant by the French academia. They were also pursued by the Establishment with extremely dangerous measures in regard to freedom of expression such as legal constraints, censorship or financial cuts. These restrictive policies first led to lower quality filming material, smaller crews, fewer projects or self-censorship; but it also implied an alternative exhibition circuit which diminished the scope of audiences. As they never existed officially, these films do not benefit from public conservation programs automatically.

In addition, it altered the conceptual leap with long-term implications for art and society since our common cultural imaginary has been built without a significant piece of art history.


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How to Cite
Armesto Sancho, A. (2021). Un homme est mort. A filmic writing of History, through social intervention cinema. Imafronte, (28), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.6018/imafronte.465471