Art criticism and the construction of cultural heritage. Buenos Aires 1931


Keywords: patrimonio cultural argentino, crítica de arte, constelación Victoria Ocampo, Sur, vertigine orizzontale


This paper focuses on a “constellation” of argentinian scholars characterized by an inevitable and common eurocentric horizon that, through their own contribution in Sur (1931-1992) with several art critic essays, try to interpretate the tough local artistic moment. Starting from a sequence of events, a reflection on cinema and architecture as a 'pedagogical space’, is proposed. Through the analysis and interpretation of Victoria Ocampo’s cultural role and her tool-magazine named Sur, a series of events and strategies connected by a fil rouge oriented to create an Argentian cultural unity are presented: from the personal and private support provided to Le Corbusier during his journey to Argentina and the documentary project that starts in the framework of the Soviet cinema of Sergej Ėjzenštejn, to the Italian neorealism of Vittorio De Sica and Cesare Zavattini.

The focus in Ocampo, writer, maecenas and director of Sur brings critical analysis to the modern framework of gender studies, opening - to the Argentine culture and society of those years - a complex and fruitful panorama of ideas, to the horizon of development of one's cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
Streppone, V. (2020). Art criticism and the construction of cultural heritage. Buenos Aires 1931. Imafronte, (26), 125–148.