Sounding, Quotation and Visualisation: Applying Poetic Logic. Realistic Cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky


  • Julia Shpinitskaya
Keywords: cinema, Tarkovsky, poetic logic, quotation, film music


Over years and all his seven motion pictures the outstanding Russian flm-director Andrei Tarkovsky developed a strategy of flming called poetic logic. The article approaches Tarkovsky’s flms from the viewpoint of the poetic logic in its different applications. Often mistaken for metaphorisation, the poetic logic is, though a close, but quite a larger concept, which has other purposes and focuses. It appears in such methods and techniques of work as naturalism of images and sounds, rejection of flm music and its replacement for other sound forms, observing or contemplation of an object, building associative links, and one of the most important, quoting visual and audio objects belonging to non-cinematographic art-realities: pre-existed music, historical painting, and verbal works. Tarkovsky relates the poetic logic to the way of the realistic cinema. These strategic tools help to design life in a shot in the closest to reality form. At the same time, it bridges a diffculty of showing on screen the inner world of a man and his mental life represented in his dreams, memories, visions and imagination. The poetic logic leaves the question of meaning open, suggesting polysemanticism of the flmed images.


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How to Cite
Shpinitskaya, J. (2010). Sounding, Quotation and Visualisation: Applying Poetic Logic. Realistic Cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky. Imafronte, (21-22), 385–404. Retrieved from