Historical knowledge and patrimonialization of an enclave of the cantabrian mountains: Las Ubiñas


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/geografia.372061
Keywords: Cantabrian Mountains; historical sources; natural landscape; patrimonialization; Peña Ubiña


The Ubiñas Massif, as so many other mountain areas of the Iberian Peninsula, went from being a marginal environment in which, even so, human activities of a certain relevance were developed, to see its heritage consecrated through the different protection figures provided by the Spanish and international legislation. This process of patrimonialization, which culminates with the declaration of this space as a Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve, was preceded by a process of recognition and dissemination. This study, based on the compilation of historical documents and bibliography, examines the information contained in different sources, exposing the main cartographic and artistic testimonies alluding to the Ubiñas Massif, as well as those collected in travel memories and research reports conducted in this space, which, despite its privileged location in the Asturian Massif, was ignored by the great scientific explorations and sports exploits of the early 20th century, and experienced a relatively late recognition of its undeniable natural values and landscapes.


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How to Cite
Gallinar, D., Hernández, C. G., & Ruiz Fernández, J. (2019). Historical knowledge and patrimonialization of an enclave of the cantabrian mountains: Las Ubiñas. Geography Papers, (65), 07–29. https://doi.org/10.6018/geografia.372061