No. 8 (2013): Junio

Flamenco Research Magazine "La Madrugá"

No. 8 (2013): Junio

The new number of "La Madrugá " contains six interesting articles.

Manuel Sánchez investigates on the folk masses from Murcia, between them, the "misas mineras" from La Unión.

Norberto Torres explores the musical origins of the flamenco guitar, with a research about the guitar of the 19th century, when the instrument reaches its definitive physiognomy.

Alfonso Carmona talks about flamenco poetry, analyzing its topics and typical strophes.

Estefanía Brao and Arturo Díaz, as well as Ana Moya and Montse Franco, think about how to improve the learning of the flamenco dancing.

Finally, Kiko Mora proposes an approximation to the first Spanish artist who managed to triumph in North America with his popular dances, Pepita Soto.

Published: 01-06-2013