Basic research and clinics in the acute kidney failure


  • Luciana Barros de Moura Neiva Doctora en Enfermería. Programa de Salud del Adulto y Anciano. Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de São Paulo.
  • María de Fátima Fernandes Vattimo Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Enfermería en la Salud del Adulto.
Keywords: acute renal failure, acute renal injury, basic research, nurse


There have been many studies on pathogenesis of acute renal failure in experimental models. More recently some authors have considered that the term acute renal injury characterizes this condition. The use of culture of cells, organs, tissues and animals is essential to gather necessary information for the complete understanding of this morbid process. The questions begin with the patient, but the understanding of the physiological and pathological mechanisms needs simpler models.
This study aims to analyze the use of the basic research in the clinical in the acute renal injury and it considers as true the hypothesis that the advance of the scientific society is based on the application of innovative data that make the creation of intellectual property possible and culminates with the improvement of the health of the populations, without the expectation of immediate applications of the results. Basic science must be one more experience of research that the nurses must take part in.
This study was a bibliographical research. Medline, LILACS and Scielo were accessed using “acute kidney injury, acute kidney failure, basic research and nursing” as descriptors. Studies in English and Portuguese language were taken. After that, the studies were analyzed.
The research concluded that basic and clinical research complement each other and should be performed by multiprofessional staff. It is important that nurses be the professional that sends the message, but also that hey need to create the message.


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How to Cite
Barros de Moura Neiva, L. and Fernandes Vattimo, M. de F. 2012. Basic research and clinics in the acute kidney failure. Global Nursing. 11, 2 (Mar. 2012). DOI: