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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The shipment is original, that is, the text and the data presented in it have not been previously published. All authors guarantee their participation and responsibility in the shipment. The shipment will not be under the consideration of another magazine simultaneously.
  • The file complies with the instructions described in Ensuring an anonymous review, in the event that the submission is directed to a section with peer review.
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The text has simple line spacing; the font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL's, which must also be active); all illustrations, figures and tables are located within the text in the place that corresponds to them and not at the end of the document.
  • The author must correctly complete all the metadata that are requested, including the ORCID of each author (mandatory).
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
  • URLs have been provided in the references, for which they are available.
  • The authors assume full responsibility for the bibliographic citations used, as well as on the ethical aspects related to the subjects of the study.
  • The authors state that the opinions expressed in their submission do not necessarily represent the point of view of the editor of the magazine, who will not have responsibility and commitment on its content.
  • The authors accept the collaboration in the editing expenses described in this page.

Author Guidelines



  • Submission of the manuscript in English and Spanish for publication. If submitted in Spanish and accepted, the author must translate it into English for publication in both languages. The manuscript must be completely anonymized, without personal data of the author or authors appearing, since they will be subjected to a double-blind peer review.
  • If the article is in another language, it will be sent in the author's language for review. If accepted, it will also be sent in Spanish and English for publication.
  • All authors must enter their full names, professional affiliation and corresponding ORCID in Metadata.
  • Each author must declare his contribution to the tasks carried out that are presented in the table that is exposed in these Publication Norms, during the process of preparing the article. Declaration-of-contributions of authors-EG.docxhttps://revistas.um.es/eglobal/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/4081
  • The source of funding for the published article must be reported, if such funding exists.
  • Collaboration on editing costs: Some of the costs for the composition and edition of the work will be charged to the authors, establishing this collaboration in the following contributions.
  • Publication of an article: 150.00 (EUR). Legally enforceable VAT should be added. This is applicable, only if an article is accepted for publication in this journal, prior to publication the main author will be requested to pay this contribution to cover the associated costs.  A receipt will be issued.
  • The approximate time from submission of an article and acceptance for publication, if applicable, will be 8 weeks. Once accepted, it will be published in the next available issue. 

The articles and works included are allocated, according to their subject matters, into the following sections:  Originals and Reviews

  • The articles, documents or studies submitted for consideration of publication shall be related to the general fields of research, teaching, nursing assistance and administration. The different sections of the journal are:
    • Original.- Original works, studies and researches.
    • Resview.- Critical and updated study on literature / themes of interest for the nursing discipline. The development includes Analysis and Conclusions.The articles, documents or studies submitted for consideration of publication shall be related to the general fields of research, teaching, nursing assistance and administration. The different sections of the journal are:
  • Works shall be previously unpublished.
  • If the work has been submitted to any Conference, Congress or similar, the complete name, date and venue of the congress shall be pointed out, if submitted as a poster, oral communication or presentation. If the Conference proceedings have been published, page number as well.
  • They shall not be considered as previously unpublished if the complete text has been published in the proceedings.
  • There is a limit of six authors per work, unless both their authorship and personal contribution to the work are justified.
  • Enfermería Global understands that every research submitted for publication previously observes the evaluation regulations by the respective Ethics Committee, going on record the anonymity and confidentiality of the people involved in the research.
  • In the researches in which human beings are involved, the authors shall submit a copy of the Ethics Committee approval.
  • In the review process of the articles from Enfermeria Global, scientific arbitration is carried out by anonymous peer review and by a third reviewer in case of disagreement, 95% of these reviewers are external to the publishing company, and these reviewers have the subject matter expertise, with complete anonymity in the review of manuscripts. The time for reviewing and informing the author about its acceptance or rejection, shall be ten weeks after reception.
  • The languages to be used shall be Spanish, English and Portuguese. Once the article is accepted, the two first languages will be COMPULSORY.
  • The contents of the journal shall be published collectively as part of an issue, with no possibility of adding any new documents to that issue.



Structure and format

  • Original works shall be arranged according to the usual sections: Introduction, Material and Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Bibliography.
  • They shall be submitted in Word format, paged, simple spaced, and Arial, font size 12.
  • The title both in Spanish and English shall appear on the first page, and also in Portuguese if it is the author’s mother tongue. Authors’ name, identification of the institution or workplace they belong to, and first author’s address, telephone and contact email.
  • The article title in the original language shall be written in bold, font size 14, centered text.
  • The translation of the title shall appear in the next line, bold and centered. If there are more translations write each one on a different line.
  • Authors' names shall be aligned on the left, each one in a different paragraph and font size 11. Each author should have a superscript number indicating his/her affiliation.
  • The affiliation (s) shall appear below the group of authors. Each affiliation shall be written in a paragraph and font size 10. The superscript number that relates it to one or more author (s) will be indicated at the beginning of each affiliation.
  • The corresponding author shall be left aligned, font size 11.
  • Presentation of an abstract (limit 250 words, single-spaced) and keywords (3 to 6) in Spanish, English and if different, in  author´s mother tongue.
  • The abstract shall appear after the authors’ affiliation, left-aligned, font size 10. The word "Abstract:" shall be written in bold followed by colon. The abstract text shall begin in the next paragraph, font size 10 and justified. For structured abstracts (those which contain sections such as Introduction, Method, Conclusions, etc.), each section title shall appear in bold followed by colon. Each section text shall be placed in separate paragraphs.
  • The keywords shall appear after the abstract, font size 10. The text "Keywords:" shall be written in bold followed by a colon. Each keyword shall be separated by commas or semicolons, full stop at the end.
  • The * Abstract * shall be left aligned, font size 12. The word Abstract: shall be written in bold followed by colon. The abstract text shall appear in a new paragraph, font size 10 and justified. For structured abstracts, each section title shall be written in bold, followed by colon. Each section text shall be placed in separate paragraphs.
  • The * key words * shall appear after the abstract, font size 10. The text "Keywords:" shall be written in bold followed by colon. Each keyword shall be separated by commas or semicolons, full stop at the end.
  • Paragraph Sections / Subtitles: Font size 16, centered, bold, capitalized first letter.
  • Sub-paragraph Subsections / Subtitles: Font size 12, centered, bold, capitalized first letter. When there are subsections of a subsection, please format in font size 13 bold and centered.
  • Body text: Font size 12, justified. Do NOT leave line breaks between paragraphs.
  •  Footnotes are not allowed.
  •  Direct quotation longer than three lines: Font size 12, 4 cm left margin.
  •  Image title: Font size 12, centered, bold, description separated by colon. Image description: font size 12.
  •  Images Footnotes: Font size 12 , centred in reference to image, capital letter shall be used for first letter.
  •  Images: shall be placed in the body text, inserted in png or jpg format and centred. Images should be aligned with the text. Graphs, charts, photographs, diagram and, in some cases, tables and equations are considered as images.
  •  Text Tables: The title of the columns shall be written in bold and the table body content in normal font. Scientific names shall appear in italics.
  •  Table footnotes: Font size 11, centred in reference to table, capital letter shall be used for first letter.
  • Author and year citations shall be placed within parentheses, with the author's last name followed by the year (Souza, 2007), capitalized first letter.
  •  Numeric citations shall be placed within parentheses and superscript format ().
  •  Bibliographic references shall show their corresponding sequential number at the beginning.
  • The Bibliography shall be presented using font "Vancouver", quoting in the text with consecutive Arabic numbers, in superscript and within parentheses in order of appearance.
  • For citations and references of electronic bibliography, please consult Internacional Committee of Medical Journals Editors.


Content presentation

  • Qualification; It must be clearly indicative of the content of the study, clear in its wording and not exceed 15 words.
  • Summary or Abstract: It must present a brief description of the objective of the work, the method used, results obtained and main conclusions. It should not exceed 250 words.
  • No abbreviations or bibliographic citations are presented in the Summary.
  • Keywords: At least three keywords will be used, which must necessarily be DeCS or MeSH descriptors.
  • Introduction: It must contain the description and justification of the problem and/or research, provision of references and/or bibliographic citations that document its contents and the objective of the work.
  • Objectives: They must be concrete, descriptive and measurable. Be written in the infinitive and indicate unequivocally what the researcher intends to achieve.
  • Methodology: It must consider the material and method used for the research/work/study, sample and characteristics, temporality and location of the study, as well as measurement instruments/tools, variables and typology (if present), qualitative or quantitative treatment of data.
  • Regarding the sample (if there is one), specify the target population, the population accessible to the study and the selected one.
  • Regarding the type of study, explain it, specify how the sample selection was made (inclusion and exclusion criteria).
  • Regarding the measurement tools, describe the validity and reliability of each instrument used: document them if they are validated or explain in detail how they have been validated if they are the work of the author.
  • Results: They must be related to the objectives/hypotheses and methodological contents of the research.
  • Present them in an orderly and sequential manner according to the methodological process.
  • Discussion: It will be presented, in light of the results obtained, and referring to the relationship of similarities or discrepancies between other authors, being cited bibliographically, and the results obtained by the author of the study/research article.
  • The interpretations of the Discussion must be based on the data obtained, based on the objectives of the study and without repeating the results of the work.
  • Adequately discuss the limitations of the study and how these may affect the conclusions.
  • Recommendations can be suggested, if appropriate.
  • Conclusions: They must be related to the objectives, methodology and results of the work presented.
  • Bibliographic references must have the corresponding sequential number at the beginning.
  • The Bibliography must be presented using the “Vancouver” style, citing consecutive Arabic numbers, in superscript and in parentheses in order of appearance.
  • The number of bibliographic references must not exceed 30 for ORIGINALS and 50 for REVISIONS and, at least 50%, must be updated (last four years).
  • For citations and references of electronic bibliography consult the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors.
  • The management of the magazine is not responsible for the opinions of the authors.


Word limit: maximum 5,000 words, excluding summaries and references.

Summary: 250 words maximum; It should be structured under the subheadings: Introduction; Objective/Question; Method; Results; Discussion; Conclusions.

Description: The journal welcomes methodologically, ethically, and theoretically rigorous original research that adds new knowledge to the field and promotes the development of policies and practices in Nursing. Qualitative and quantitative methodology studies are admitted. The work should report scientifically sound original research, and provide a substantial amount of new information. You should include the most recent and relevant references in the field. The structure should include sections of Summary, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Authors are encouraged to add a brief section on methodological rigor.

If the topic of Healthcare Quality and/or any of the dimensions that define it (Patient Safety, effectiveness, etc.) are addressed, different types of studies will be accepted that differ depending on the method used:

  • Improvement Cycle. It must include all the phases that characterize it: identification and prioritization of the opportunity for improvement; quality problem analysis; construction of criteria to evaluate it; quality level or hypothetical causes study design; analysis and presentation of data from the first evaluation; design of interventions to improve; implementation of the action plan; reevaluation and documentation of the improvement achieved.
  • Quality Evaluation with validated instruments (questionnaires, indicators, accreditation standards,...)
  • Design of Processes, Clinical Pathways, etc. The working group that undertakes the design must be described: how it is formed and the methodology it uses to reach consensus; how potential customers, their needs and expectations are identified; and how the content validity of the activities or clinical or care indicators that are incorporated is guaranteed, if applicable.


Word limit: maximum 7,000 words, excluding summaries and references.

Summary: 250 words maximum; It should be structured under the subheadings: Introduction; Objective/Question; Method; Results; Discussion; Implications for Practice; Recommendations.

Structure: Please see the specific details below for the type of review article. We strongly recommend authors register their detailed protocols, before data extraction begins, in a public registry such as Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/), Inplasy (https://inplasy.com/) or PROSPERO (https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/) . Authors should include a statement regarding adherence to PRISMA guidelines and registration information (if available) in the Methods section.

The Journal accepts five types of review studies:

  • Meta-analysis
  • Systematic review
  • Qualitative evidence synthesis
  • Panoramic review (Scoping Review).
  • Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines


Meta-analysis and systematic reviews.

Authors should follow the recommended PRISMA guidelines for meta-analyses and systematic reviews.

Meta-analysis.- A meta-analysis is a quantitative review of the literature with a view to answering a clearly and precisely formulated question, such as determining the effect of a treatment, training or prevention program, finding risk factors (or of protection) to contract a disorder and, in general, estimate relationships between variables and their moderating variables. A key topic in this type of study has to do with the search engines used to retrieve works that include the necessary information and that will be decisive for the appropriate use of this technique. Therefore, authors must explicitly specify the databases used and how the search for the works was carried out (keywords). The search should be exhaustive, incorporate the most recent work, and should present the results obtained in terms of a flowchart in accordance with the PRISMA statement (http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/prisma/ ). The structure of a work that presents a meta-analysis must be: Introduction, Method (Study selection criteria, study search procedures, Variable coding, effect size index/s and Statistical analysis), Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. The references used directly to carry out the meta-analysis will be indicated with an asterisk (*) in the list of references.

Systematic reviews.- A systematic review is a synthesis of research on a particular aspect that is current and on which there is sufficient information, whether qualitative or quantitative, to carry out the review. In this sense, except for the presentation of results, the same procedure as in the meta-analysis will be followed. In this case, the databases used to compile the studies and the keywords that will allow their inclusion in the study will be of special interest. Authors should present the search results in a PRISMA statement flowchart. The sections that must appear in a qualitative systematic review are: Introduction, Method (study selection criteria, search procedures and coding of variables), Results, Discussion and Conclusions, and References. The references used directly to carry out the review will be indicated with an asterisk (*) in the list of references.

Qualitative evidence synthesis

Introduction: Include a scientific justification for the review based on what is already known and a statement of the objectives of the review.

Methods: include protocol and registry (if applicable), review question, design, eligibility criteria, information sources, search strategy, assessment of relevance for inclusion, quality assessment, data extraction and synthesis (including process for assess confidence in each finding if applicable).

Findings: selection of studies, characteristics of studies, findings of individual studies, synthesis of findings.

Discussion: summary of the evidence, what the review adds to the existing literature, limitations and strengths of the review, implications for future research, implications for Nursing practice that are linked to new knowledge from the review.

Conclusions: an interpretation of the impact of the findings in relation to the proposed objectives.

Scoping Review

Scoping reviews must strictly follow the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews Checklist https://www.prisma-statement.org/scoping and submit the checklist as unpublished material during the shipment. Templates for the flowchart can be downloaded from the PRISMA website and the diagram should be included in the main text.


Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines

The Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) are documents that include a set of recommendations based on a systematic review of the evidence and the evaluation of the risks and benefits of the different alternatives, with the aim of optimizing health care for patients. Additionally, CPGs have the potential to reduce variability and improve clinical practice.
As a review, the structure of these works follows, differing only in some methodological phases. A review of this type of resources implies a synthesis of the scientific evidence, the degree of recommendation in the activities to be carried out or the measurement indicators created.
In the Methods: include not only the bibliographic search carried out in the large databases for the Health Sciences (Pubmed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, CINAHL, etc.), but also the search in the scientific journals of Societies and in that carried out in the compiling organizations that compile them (GuiaSalud, NICE,...). Furthermore, the authors must describe the methodology used in evaluating the quality of the selected documents through the application of validated instruments (AGREE-II, etc.).
And in the designs in which the study of the extracted indicators is in-depth, also detail the methodology used in evaluating their quality, through the application of validated instruments (AIRE, etc.).

Privacy Statement

The names and emails on this journal will exclusively be used for the aims stated in its pages, and will not be available for any other purpose or person. The texts of these pages and their content shall only be used for non-commercial teaching and research purposes. It is not allowed to use, reproduce, publish or distribute it without the author-s’ permission, as Copyright owners of their articles.