Academic trajectories of nursing students at the National University of Tucumán through the analysis of academic performance indicators
Introduction: In Argentina, nursing education shows progress, but it still does not improve the quantitative deficit of the group, nor the distribution by regions. The analysis of academic trajectories makes it possible to identify the path taken by the student in the study plan and to plan remedial measures for those aspects considered deficient.
Objective: To analyze the academic trajectories of students of the bachelor’s degree in nursing at the National University of Tucumán, through the analysis of academic performance indicators in the period 2015-2019.
Methodes: Descriptive, retrospective, and quantitative study. The population was constituted by the total number of students of the bachelor’s degree in nursing in the period 2015-2019.
Results: The average GPA of the career is 6.35 out of 10 and the average actual duration of the career is 13.35 years, exceeding the expected duration of 5 years. A failure rate was found in 57% of the subjects of the first cycle and 38% of the second cycle.
Conclusions: The academic performance of nursing students has decreased in the last decades, which can be seen in the decrease of the grade point average and the increase of the actual duration of the course. These results show the existing decoupling between the academic trajectories of nursing students in relation to those expected by the system.
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