The need for School Nursing: an integrative literature review


Keywords: School Nursing, School Teachers, Parents, Health Education


Introduction: School health must ensure the comprehensive well-being of the school community, strengthening self-care behaviours and healthy habits through promotion and prevention and through health-related research. The holistic approach that defines Nursing makes the inclusion of the school nurse fundamental in the different educational centres.
Objective: To analyse the benefits of the role of school nursing based on their remit to identify the need for nurses in schools.
Methodology: Integrative review of the literature and qualitative review based on the indications of the PRISMA statement. The search for publications was carried out in the Web of Science and MedLine databases, selecting those articles published in the last 5 years in English and Spanish.
Results: A total of 10 articles were included. Their analysis shows the remit of the school nurse, the perspective that teachers and parents have of the school nurse role, as well as the need it represents to the school community.
Conclusions: The presence of the school nurse in educational centres ensures tranquillity and benefits for the community, not only through prevention or assistance activities, but also through health education strategies. Our research has revealed how, despite the fact that there is a firm and concise argument regarding the importance of this role, the fight for its establishment continues.


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Author Biographies

Enedina Quiroga Sánchez, Universidad de Leon

Phd Nursing

Manuel Angel Garcia Murillo, Real Fundación Hospital de La Reina


Natalia Arias Ramos, Universidad de León. Grupo de Investigación SALBIS

Profesor Contratado Doctor. Área Enfermería,

Bibiana Trevisson Redondo, Área Enfermería, Universidad de León. Grupo de Investigación SALBIS

Profesor Ayudante Doctor


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How to Cite
Bernedo Garcia, M.C. et al. 2023. The need for School Nursing: an integrative literature review. Global Nursing. 22, 4 (Oct. 2023), 490–516. DOI: