Education effectiveness in diabetes mellitus type 1 management made by children of caregivers
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of health education in the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus provided by caregivers of children .Methods: This is a descriptive study with cross- cut and quantitative approach. We used the instruments: Knowledge Quiz Diabetes Mellitus and Self-efficacy Scale in Diabetes Management, adapted and validated in Brazil.
Results: About knowledge of caregivers, 72% had a satisfactory score. Most of them can perform the treatment (80%), and 24% do not trust the skill; 72% of respondents can recognize hyperglycemia and 96% can recognize hypoglycemia; 80% apply the correct technique of insulin administration; 80% manage to keep the recommended diet. However, 16% said they did not know to replace correctly.
Conclusion: The majority of caregivers of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus have good knowledge about the disease, and disease management performed by these caregivers is satisfactory in general. However, there is a need to intervene in some ways, changing attitudes to cope more adequately with the disease, as well as improving the effectiveness of diabetes education.
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