Competition for health care in women with spinal cord trauma


  • Margoth Consuelo Burbano López Universidad del Valle, Cali Colombia
Keywords: women, spinal cord injury, health behavior, social conditions

Supporting Agencies

  • Ninguna


Goal: To establish the relationship between the health care competency and some socio-cultural, biological factors and self esteem in women with spinal cord injury.
Enfermería Global Nº 38 Abril 2015 Página 79
Methodology: descriptive transversal study with 44 women spinal cord trauma presenting between 2006 and 2010, in Cali Colombia.
Findings: Fifty percent of women were less than 30 years old; most of them had high school education, did not work outside home, and were from low socioeconomic status, with mobility, sensibility, bladder and bowel deficits. The main cause of the injury was fire gun wound. The global competency for care was fair in 43, 1 % of women, good in 40, 9 %, excellent in 9, 1% and deficient in 6, 8%. Self esteem was compromised in women with neurogenic bladder and bowel regardless of their sexual activity. The relationship between health care competency, socio economic status, and bladder deficit was statistically significant.
Conclusions and recommendations: the women´s high education level could be a positive factor for their health care. The deficiency in their competence for sexuality care calls for sexual and reproductive health services to young women exposed to several risks and unsatisfactory couple relations. It is needed to carry out studies with statistically representative samples along with qualitative studies to understand the life world and health care issues for women with spinal cord injury.


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Author Biography

Margoth Consuelo Burbano López, Universidad del Valle, Cali Colombia

Enfermera, Especialista en Enfermería en Cuidado Crítico del Adulto, Magíster en Enferemería

Profesora Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad del Valle

Coordinadora Especialización en Enfermería en Cuidado Crítico del Adulto y de Programas de Extensión

Profesora en Neurotrauma y Cuidado Crítico Neurológico, Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad del Valle

How to Cite
Burbano López, M.C. 2015. Competition for health care in women with spinal cord trauma. Global Nursing. 14, 2 (Apr. 2015), 78–101. DOI: