Queer as a literary mechanism: beyond binarisms through the monstrous body


  • Olivia Magaña Andaluz Universitat Barcelona
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cartaphilus.598591
Keywords: queer literature, body, monstrosity, Preciado, Marrero


In this article we try to analyze how queer is presented as an alternative to late-capitalist and patriarchal-colonial dynamics by placing monstrous bodies at the center of their proposal, going beyond the binarisms inherent to the masculine order. Specifically, we observe how queer epistemology crystallizes in the literary sphere with the proliferation of political novels that are built on openness and monstrosity, as affective referential fictions. To this end, we have decided to use as an example two queer works in multimodal format: El bebé verde. Infancia, transexualidad y héroes del pop (2016) by Roberta Marrero and Orlando. My political biography (2023) by Paul B. Preciado, because they allow us to understand better what we call queer literature.


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How to Cite
Magaña Andaluz, O. (2024). Queer as a literary mechanism: beyond binarisms through the monstrous body. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 21, 63–81. https://doi.org/10.6018/cartaphilus.598591