“A heap of broken images”: Comparative study of "Respiración artificial", by Ricardo Piglia, and "Ansay o los infortunios", de la gloria, by Martín Caparrós
The objective of this work is to study the closeness that exists between Respiración artificial(1980), by Ricardo Piglia, and Ansay o los infortunios de la gloria(1984), by Martín Caparrós. Both novels start from the same question: how to tell the history. Therefore, I focus on analyzing how each author gives a narrative answer to this question. To do this, I focus on four aspects: the rereading that both authors do with a demystifying spirit of the legacy of the 19th century, the use of the past to say the present, the choice of peripherical characters to create a counter-history and how each author adapts and expands Borges’s legacy. The ultimate goal is to reflect on a common gesture: the intention to recover history.
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