The controversial interpretations of the Constitutional Court regarding conscientious objection of health personnel. Fundamental right or not?


  • María Ascensión Andreu Martínez UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA
Keywords: biolaw, fundamental right, conscientious objection, abortion, euthanasia


The legal and social debate that accompanies conscientious objection is one of the most delicate issues that legal systems currently face. Above all, in the elaboration of laws inwhich ethical and legal considerations come together, such as those related to the beginning and end of life and, therefore, in need of extensive parliamentary debate. The recent rulings of the Constitutional Court, in relation to the right of conscientious objection of health personnel in this matter, have revealed aspects such as its legal nature and the excess of the ordinary legislator in regulating it. However, solutions have been adopted for the correct application of the law, such as those of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia in relation to the law regulating euthanasia, which have made it possible to make the right of conscientious objection compatible with the provision of help to die.


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How to Cite
Andreu Martínez, M. A. (2024). The controversial interpretations of the Constitutional Court regarding conscientious objection of health personnel. Fundamental right or not?. Bioderecho, (18), 19 págs.