Bioethical perspective of Attention Deficit Hiperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Keywords: Welfare, Medicalizing, ADHD, Bioethics


The emergence of the welfare state in the mid-twentieth century had health consequences that culminated in the recognition of the right to health protection and the duty of health care of the State, with an extension of medicine to unknown fields, medicalizing the life of people. ADHD is a paradigmatic case, becoming a psychiatric pathology due to its inclusion in the DSM-III 1980, with inconsistencies and subjectivity in the classifications. The etiology of the disorder is unknown, its diagnosis is subjective and doubtful, its treatment ineffective and with risks, increasing the number of cases diagnosed and the benefits of the pharmaceutical industry. From the Bioethics a reflection on the possible damages derived from the medicalization (nonmaleficence), a prudent action of the professional (beneficence), respect to the criterion of children and adolescents (autonomy) and a critical perspective in relation to the expense is imposed derived from his diagnosis (justice).


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How to Cite
García Capilla, D. J., & Torralba Madrid, M. J. (2019). Bioethical perspective of Attention Deficit Hiperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Bioderecho, (8), 11 págs.