Algeria, from operative immigration to the mobility of competences in the light of globalization? Logic and driving factors of transnational mobilities


  • Zahir Hadibi Université de Bejaia (Algérie)
Keywords: young academics, life project, migration process, country of origin, host country


This article is based on a presentation from several academics’ speeches who have chosen emigration as a way of life. It aims to investigate the motivations, trajectories and reasons that urge these young people to build another life overseas. After a retrospective view on the configuration of Algerian emigration during its contemporary history, we intend to analyse the stories of a group of students by linking their shared motivations and wish to emigrate. In order to do this, we relied on the push pull theory to identify positive and negative factors as determinants of the migration process. Indeed, these young academics are confronted with a lack of prospects in their countries of origin, but not only that. They project themselves into a host country attempting to integrate and overcome the symbolic and physical border between the two worlds; the one of origin and the host country.


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Author Biography

Zahir Hadibi, Université de Bejaia (Algérie)

Zahir Hadibi, Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algérie.


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How to Cite
Hadibi, Z. (2019). Algeria, from operative immigration to the mobility of competences in the light of globalization? Logic and driving factors of transnational mobilities. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (38), 61–72.