The teaching of social sciences for digital citizenship. Interdisciplinary study of media literacy on the curricula of Secondary Education
This article presents the results of a lexicometric and content study carried out in the curricula of the subjects of Geography and History, Spanish Language, Visual and Plastic Education and Mathematics of Secondary Education. The objective is to understand possible changes in the educational approach throughout the legislative reforms on the treatment of digital citizenship based on two keywords: security and privacy on the Internet, and their relationship with the teaching of social sciences. For this, the regional decrees of Secondary Education that emerge from Organic Law 2/2006 of May 3 (LOE), and Organic Law 2/2013 of December 9 (LOMCE), have been analyzed three areas of media literacy: digital training, information processing and treatment, and critical thinking. In addition, the most recent Royal Decree 217/2022 of March 29 of the new Organic Law 3/2020 of Modification of the LOE (LOMLOE) has been assessed. Finally, contrasting the results with the literature consulted, we came to understand the importance of digital security and privacy in secondary education from three areas of media and information literacy: instrumental training, understanding and analysis of digital content, and its consumption and production. We conclude about the importance of considering these not only as specific areas of digital competence, but also as part of the competence dimensions of social subjects, and we provide some operational ideas for their curricular approach from the social sciences.
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