Relational sociology of xenophobia. The case of the Venezuelan forced immigration in Lima, 2019
The objective of this article is to propose an explanatory model of the different levels of rejection of (Venezuelans) immigrants, through thirteen mixed interviews carried out in the city of Lima between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. Based on a relational model, it is concluded that, regardless of the direct impact of immigration on the macroeconomy, or the relative levels of crime: (1) there are different levels of generalization of negative images regarding immigrants (total generalization, intermediate and non-xenophobic generalizations), measured based on the answer to the question of “who should be deported?” (2) Combinations of transactional sources of influence, organized as ‘social structures of experience’, largely explain the variations in the generalization of negative images about immigrants. As a result of an analytical projection of these findings and of previous studies, it is hypothetically proposed that (3) the enormous and sudden migratory volume creates a relational context that favors the generalization of negative images and possibly a reactive ethnicity among immigrants. These results would help to explain the high levels of rejection of Venezuelan forced immigration in Lima, Peru.
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