The industrial buildings of the land of Seville in the late fifteenth century


Keywords: Hydraulic mills, ceramic ovens, bread production, rural industry, mountainous relief


Some reports of the council of Seville of the 1490s, on a series of towns under their jurisdiction, allow us to know which buildings were in them dedicated to productive activities. It is an exceptional documentation that makes it possible to differentiate by regions and, depending on other sectors such as agriculture or commerce, which of them had greater industrial dedication, what type of sector was the principal and why it was located here and not in others districts; as well as its influence on local economic and demographic growth. To reach the conclusion that the lower endowment of resources for agriculture, together with the availability of others such as the abundance of water for mills or ceramic furnaces, were the engine for the manufacturing growth of the most mountainous regions of the kingdom of Seville.


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How to Cite
González Arce, J. D. (2020). The industrial buildings of the land of Seville in the late fifteenth century. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (40), 77–92.