Sociological Approach to the Meaning of the Terms: Popular Economy, Social Economy and Solidarity Economy in Mexico


  • Juan José Rojas Herrera Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Departamento de Sociología Rural, México
Keywords: Work; popular economy; social economy; solidarity economy; self-management


Despite the globalization of the economy and the incessant attempts to subordinate all forms of production to the logic of capitalist accumulation, the resistance of workers persists through the implementation of various models of social work management, among which the posts launched by the actors of the popular economy, the social economy and the solidarity economy. Specify the organizational identity of these three forms of work, for the specific case of Mexico, is the main purpose of this article, having identified that, by its nature, the work system that corresponds to each of them is of autonomous type, associative-self-management and associative-self-management-solidarity, respectively.


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How to Cite
Rojas Herrera, J. J. (2019). Sociological Approach to the Meaning of the Terms: Popular Economy, Social Economy and Solidarity Economy in Mexico. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (39), 61–73.