Rural Development and Local Actors. Questions about an Institutional Organisation of Dynamic Economic Competition in Crisis: the case of SanCor in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina
The case study of SanCor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada is relevant due to several reasons. First of all, SanCor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada has got a big economic and social importance in the national milk production sector as well as in provincial towns located in the three major Argentine provinces: Santa Fe, Córdoba and Buenos Aires. Secondly, it is an example of an evolving organisational process going through different degrees: emerging as a second-degree co-operative society, a century after, it becomes a first-degree co-operative society, and finally, it disposes of almost all of its assets as well as its management to other companies of the dairy sector. Thirdly, its evolution verifies a hyothesis that had been stated long time ago about the results of one of the two possible evolution choices which could be carried out by the types of Everchanging Institutional Organisations, according to the co-operative societies typologies proposed by Lattuada and Renold (2004). Lastly, as a leading actor of territorial development, it ends up with an irreversible crisis scenario. Due to the big size reached by this organisation, the impact of its breakup, its disposal and its change in its cooperative society nature, it teaches us some lessons, and poses numerous questions about its effects on the dairy value chain as well as on the local development of those communities where it is inserted.
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