Resistance from the Periphery: Rrom Population in Spain


Keywords: periphery; settlements; Rrom; Gypsies; mobility.


The article analyzes, based on the case study of shanty towns in Madrid and Barcelona, the Rrom population, which is located on the periphery of these cities, lives in conditions of poverty and social exclusion. Based on qualitative research where similarities can be seen in terms of livelihoods used by the collective, as well as constant mobility both in Spain and in Europe, the article questions the role of public administrations at local and regional level in the search for solutions that allow greater social inclusion and improvements in the quality of life. Through a comparison of the settlements, this research presents the professional experience developed in settlements with high levels of social exclusion where it is highlighted, the need to intervene socially from Social Work and also, under a harmonization of social care protocols to the Rrom population from an egalitarian perspective within the European Union, mainly due to the similar practices of subsistence of the population and for sharing processes of exclusion and poverty from origin.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez, J. D. (2020). Resistance from the Periphery: Rrom Population in Spain. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (40), 67–76.