
  • Lucía Artazcoz Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona University Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Health, gender, occupational health, social factors, family characteristics

Supporting Agencies

  • Séptimo Programa Marco de la Comunidad Europea Séptimo (7PM / 2007-2013
  • acuerdo de subvención número 278173)
  • “Evaluating the impact of structural policies on health inequalities y their social determinants y fostering change” (SOPHIE) Project”


The aim of this study is to provide a framework for the research on work, gender y health, combining the classic paradigm of occupational hazards research with the consideration of work as a social determinant of health. We analyze gender inequalities taking into account other axes of inequality: individual ones like social class, y contextual ones like the typology of welfare states. This paper identifies some limitations of traditional research on occupational health from a gender perspective. It also describes the research on work as a social determinant of health y its limitations from a gender point of view. The traditional research on occupational health has paid less attention to the problems of women. On the other hand, research on work-related gender inequalities in health has rarely considered both social class among women, y the impact of family demands on the health of men. Moreover, there is little comparative research between countries with different labor market, family y gender policies. In future research on traditional occupational health, the role of sex y gender should be considered in the analysis of occupational risks. Variables should be used to capture specific work environments as well as several health y health-related behaviors indicators. The analysis of work as a social determinant of health from a gender perspective should take into account the complex interactions between gender, family roles, employment status, as well as other individual axes of inequality, y the welfare state typologies.


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How to Cite
Artazcoz, L. (2014). METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN RESEARCH ON WORK, GENDER AND HEALTH. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (33), 139–153. Retrieved from