Women from marocco to the arab countries in the persian gulf: Lack of knowledge about situation of moroccan women workers


  • Abdelfattah Ezzine
Keywords: feminine Moroccan migration, Persian Gulf, intermediation system


If Moroccan migration to the U.E. has caused many studies, the migration of women from Morocco to the Arab countries in the Persian Gulf suffers from a double lack of knowledge. Firstly, because it is an Arab-Arab migration, secondly, because it is a feminine migration too. This article analyses the Moroccan immigration to the Gulf, a migration which is temporary, labour and that is inserted in the kalafat system, where the kafile assumes the role of intermediary, foreman and “godfather”. In the case of women migration the lack of safety towards the kafile grows. These migrants are normally young women who are recruited in Morocco for restaurant and hotel business, leisure and tourism jobs. These migrants usually are in a situation of social isolation, high exploitation and total dependence on their kafile. Part of these women becomes prostitutes. The text concludes with some proposals to improve legal, labour and social situation of Moroccan workers in the Gulf.


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How to Cite
Ezzine, A. (2009). Women from marocco to the arab countries in the persian gulf: Lack of knowledge about situation of moroccan women workers. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (28), 145–155. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/areas/article/view/118811