From the myth of desterritorialization to multiterriteralizaty: a theoretical review based on uruguayan migration


  • Natalia Moraes Mena
Keywords: migrations, desterritorialization, multiterritoriality, transnationalism, uruguayan migration


The aim of this article is to discuss the concept of desterritorialization which fercquently appears in the debates on transnational migrations and globalization. We will focus on Uruguayan migration to show the importance that territories still have in transnational migration processes. Deterritorialization can only be thought as a metaphor because, even if contemporary migrations and globalization processes question the traditional ides about society and nation, they do not implicate the end of territories. The analysis of the recent Uruguayan migration allow us to observe how, more than desterritorialization processes, we are attending to new processes of reterritorialization and multiterritoriality.


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How to Cite
Moraes Mena, N. (2009). From the myth of desterritorialization to multiterriteralizaty: a theoretical review based on uruguayan migration. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (28), 61–70. Retrieved from