Bolivians in Argentina and Spain. From the traditional migration to the new routes


  • Elena Gadea
  • Roberto Benencia
  • Germán Quaranta
Keywords: international migrations, Bolivian migration, migration profiles, social insertion


Europe, especially Spain and Italy, have become in the last decade an important destination of the Latin American migration. This supposes a change of direction in the migratory flows from Latin America, but also a transformation of the migration profiles which that characterized other historical moments. This article tries to analyze these questions focussing on the Bolivian migration in two contexts and different historical moments: Argentina during second half of the century past and Spain during the present decade. We try to characterize the migration of Bolivians, and its conditions of insertion, in Argentina and Spain. In the first case, we make an historical approach to see the changes produced in the migratory flow and in the trajectories of labour insertion. In the second case, we analyzed the situation of the Bolivian migrants in the Spanish society, with special attention to the migration profiles and the conditions of insertion of this group during the last ten years.


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How to Cite
Gadea, E., Benencia, R., & Quaranta, G. (2009). Bolivians in Argentina and Spain. From the traditional migration to the new routes. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (28), 31–43. Retrieved from