Population in the province of Burgos, 1700-1850


  • Elena Cibeira Arias
Keywords: Burgos, population, parish register, mortality crisis, vegetative growth


This work approaches the demographic evolution of the province of Burgos through the study of parish register data (baptism and deceased), out of a sample of, respectively, 19 and 18 localities in the province. Analysis of the series shows a considerable population growth up until around 1759, and a stagnation phase after that.

As for mortality, the majority of crisis take place during the first half of the XVIIIth century, the 1803-05 crisis being however the most acute. Vegetative growth, concentrated in the second quarters of both centuries, is clearly more important than population growth; which constitutes a sign that emigration could have been more significant than what was being assumed.


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How to Cite
Cibeira Arias, E. (2004). Population in the province of Burgos, 1700-1850. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (24), 117–134. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/areas/article/view/118441