Population and acupation of espace in Murcia´s Region (XVI-XVIII Centuries). Census and baptisms


  • Guy Lemeunier
Keywords: baptism, border, occupation space, growth, crisis, economic retraining, ruralisation


In this article it is studied the evolution of the baptisms in the region of Murcia throughout the XVI and XVIII centuries. An evolution marked, first, for the weak starting point due to the long situation of the territory border. And, second, for the strong demographic growth during the Modern Age. In this growth is emphasized in the occupation of rural space the crisis of XVII century’s role and also the economic retraining.


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How to Cite
Lemeunier, G. (2004). Population and acupation of espace in Murcia´s Region (XVI-XVIII Centuries). Census and baptisms. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (24), 83–99. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/areas/article/view/118421