The flood forecast and alert sevice in Spain (1863-1917)


  • Joan F. Mateu Bellés
Keywords: floods, forecast, alarm, telegraphy


The creation of a flood forecasting and waning service in Spain was a more complex process and took place later than in other european countries.

Between the several factors to explain this fact, the limitations of the gauging network and the importance of flash floods may be stressed.

However, along the second half of the 19th century the administration tried to warm against floods those cities especially vulnerable. In 1914 the flood forecasting and warning service was created in the different water administration regions. The 1915-1916 and 1916-1917 yearbooks contain a valuable infiormation on the floods regime of the major peninsular rivers before the beginning of the regulation works.


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How to Cite
Mateu Bellés, J. F. (2003). The flood forecast and alert sevice in Spain (1863-1917). Areas. International Social Science Journal, (23), 101–121. Retrieved from