The arsenal of Cartagena: heritage of the industrial naval Spanish history


  • María Griñán Montealegre
  • María Dolores Palazón Botella
Keywords: naval-military industry, Industrial National Plan, heritage conservation


After more than three centuries, Cartagena Arsenal remains as benchmark in naval and military history of Murcia. Nowadays the debate on the preservation and promotion of its rich industrial naval heritage has increased. For several years, it constitutes part of the goods compiled in the National Industrial Heritage Plan. However, it has not been considered its statement as BIC, while still losing some of theirs remains. The use which it was built for is not an insurmountable obstacle for the industrial legacy maintenance but it is obvious the urgency of an agreement among the involved administrations which lead to an efficient actuations plan.


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How to Cite
Griñán Montealegre, M., & Palazón Botella, M. D. (2010). The arsenal of Cartagena: heritage of the industrial naval Spanish history. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (29), 164–168. Retrieved from
Dossier Patrimonio Industrial en la Región de Murcia