The heritage legacy of canning industry in the Region of Murcia


  • María Griñán Montealegre
  • Mónica López Sánchez
  • María Dolores Palazón Botella
Keywords: canning industry, heritage, recovery, preservation, cataloguing


Regional canning industry has left an important patrimonial legacy throughout their years of developing. Some of the industrial complex and trace elements that remain, preserved with more or less determination, represent a significant proof of that. Knowing the different interventions that have been set up to recover them is a way of keeping alive the trajectory of this activity.


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How to Cite
Griñán Montealegre, M., López Sánchez, M., & Palazón Botella, M. D. (2010). The heritage legacy of canning industry in the Region of Murcia. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (29), 135–139. Retrieved from
Dossier Patrimonio Industrial en la Región de Murcia