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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The paper has not been previously published and it was not sent to other Journal (if not, an explanation has to be given to the Editor in the Comments Section).
  • 2. The sent file is in Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice format
  • 3. Website references have been included where possible.
  • 4. The paper follows the Reference requirements and Style stated by the Author Guidelines. They can be found in the section About the Journal/Acerca de la revista.
  • 5. If you send the paper for a section where peer review is required, you have to follow the Guidelines regarding an anonymous review.

Author Guidelines

Article submission guidelines



- Articles, both miscellaneous and monographic issues, will be uploaded directly to the journal's website. They should be written in one of the usual word processors (preferably Microsoft Word, any version). If necessary, other files with photos, maps or any other graphic material that accompanies the text should be sent. If graphs are included, as mentioned below, it is important to send the spreadsheet with the figures of these figures or that they are contained in the graph itself inserted in the text (this is necessary so that the layout process can be adapted to the format and types of the journal).


Authors can propose possible reviewers for their article who are experts in the subject developed in their contribution and who can make a suitable report on it.


Authors should indicate which of the journal's thematic areas their article belongs to. Up to two of them can be chosen. These areas are the following:


          - History and economic history


          - Sociology and Anthropology


          - Economics and Applied Economics


          - Geography and demography


- Articles should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words in length. All text, tables, notes and bibliography are counted.


- Articles must be preceded by a title page (with its translation into English and/or Spanish if necessary), a short abstract (also with its translation into English and/or Spanish), 5 keywords (also in both languages). The name(s) of the author(s), full address, including the address of the place of work, telephone, fax and e-mail and the orcid code (necessary to guarantee authorship) must be indicated on this sheet. The evaluators proposed for the text to be sent should also be included.


- The text should be written in normal, bold or italic type. If any part of the text is underlined, it will be understood as if it were bold.



- The bibliography will be presented alphabetically at the end of the text according to the following model: surname in capital letters, full name of the author(s) (only the first letter in capital letters); year of publication in brackets and distinguishing a, b, c, etc.... if the same author has more than one work cited in the same year; title of the article in inverted commas; name of the journal or book in italics; place of publication and publisher (in the case of a book), volume and number of the journal (in the case of an article), initial and final pages joined by a hyphen (articles and book chapters).


Example: PÉREZ SIERRA, Juana (1990b): Título del libro. Barcelona, Ariel.


PÉREZ PÉREZ, Juana; LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Antonio and FERNÁNDEZ, Herminia (1850): "Título del artículo", Areas. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales, 5, pp. 522-550.


- Bibliographical references within the text or in the footnotes should indicate the surname of the author(s) in lower case, the year of publication in brackets (with the corresponding letter in the case of more than one publication cited that year) and the pages of the reference.


Example: See Pérez Pérez Pérez (1990b: 204) or (Pérez Pérez Pérez, 1990b: 204).


- In the footnotes, as far as possible, the text should be as brief as possible.


- Illustrations (photographs, maps, etc.) should be presented in the way that is best for their reproduction with the highest possible quality (resolution). If they are submitted separately from the text (in a separate file, slide, drawing on special paper, etc.), the place where they are to be placed must be clearly indicated. When they do not belong to the authors, the corresponding permissions must be provided for their inclusion in the journal.


- As for graphs or tables, they can be included in the text or presented in an attached spreadsheet. In the latter case, as in the previous point, the space they occupy must be taken into account and their location must be clearly indicated. If a graph is included, it is essential to attach the figures used to produce it. This can be done with a spreadsheet containing the numbers of each of the graphs, with a text sheet containing the figures in tables, or by including the graph in the text file containing the source data (in Word the option of pasting the graph "inserting the worksheet").


- The source must be specified in each of the graphs, tables or illustrations.


Since 2019, the journal is only published digitally in open access at the following address: http://revistas.um.es/areas/index.


La revista evaluará y publicará artículos de investigación inéditos que presenten los autores o artículos presentados en los números monográficos por los coordinadores y aprobados en el Consejo de Redacción.

Los autores de los artículos enviados a la revista podrán proponer evaluadores cualificados para emitir un informe de su contribución.


Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses given to the Journal are only used for the stated purposes by the Journal; they are not available for different purposes or third parties.