The world-ecology of “The Hunger Games”


Keywords: The Hunger Games, cli-fi, world-ecology, Cheap Nature, revolution


Literature and cinema are two powerful tools to represent the social concerns of each historical moment, as is the case with the growing interest in climate change. The numerous productions on the climate crisis shape a new genre, cli-fi, which uses the possible forms of a collapse as the scenes for its plots. In the academic sphere, more and more theories address social and environmental problems together, and among them the emergence of world-ecology stands out. “The Hunger Games” saga shares features with the cli-fi genre and in its fictional universe the main elements of world-ecology converge, such as the incessant search for Cheap Nature, the combination of exploitation and appropriation, the use of coercive means and cultural hegemony, and the eco-social revolution. “The Hunger Games” is a future dystopia, but also a reflection of certain trends in today’s society, which is why it works both as an alarm voice and edutainment with a relevant political message.


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How to Cite
Ramón Sánchez, Álvaro. (2023). The world-ecology of “The Hunger Games”. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (44), 153–165.