Gender discourses in Transition. The journalistic representation of patients during the eighties in the ABC newspaper


Keywords: women’s health; press analysis; gender perspective; historical discourse analysis; transition to democracy.


The objective of the article was to analyze, from a gender perspective, the main issues and social actors projected by the ABC newspaper in the representation of patients and their healthcare during the 1980s. The historical analysis of the discourse revealed the prioritization of the medical discourses, and the selection of sexuality, cancer, obesity and mental health issues as the main health debates. The results showed the resistance to the process of modernization and democratization of sexuality in our country, the construction and legitimization of bodies and social identities loaded with gender meanings, and the increased responsibility of women regarding health-illness-health care.


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How to Cite
Danet Danet, A. (2023). Gender discourses in Transition. The journalistic representation of patients during the eighties in the ABC newspaper. Areas. International Social Science Journal, (44), 83–100.