The corporate social responsibility policies for the inclusion of people with disabilities as predictors of employees’ identification, commitment and absenteeism


  • Francisco Javier Pérez University of Barcelona
  • Marina Romeo University of Barcelona
  • Montserrat Yepes-Baldó University of Barcelona
Keywords: Absenteeism, Commitment, Corporate social responsibility policies, Identification, People with disabilities


Few studies have explored the effect on employees of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities. The present research examines the extent to which employees’ perceptions of CSR policies aimed at the employment of disabled people are related to organizational identification, commitment, and absenteeism. A questionnaire was administered to 104 employees (participation rate: 41.1%). Correlations and common method variance tests, and linear regressions were performed. Only the internal-focus policies have an effect on employees’ identification and commitment, although the external-focus policies have been more deeply studied. There were no significant results related to absenteeism. Our research highlights the impact of internal-focus policies for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the commitment and identification of all employees, those with and without disabilities. The results also contribute significantly to the design of strategies that facilitate and enhance the normalization of these employees in the labor market, helping practitioners to target these companies as future employers of people with disabilities.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Pérez, University of Barcelona

Profesora Titular. Departamento Psicología Social.
Coordinadora del Master Oficial Interuniversitario en Intervenció Psicosocial.
ViceInternal Coordinator Master Erasmus Mundus WOP_P.
Directora del Grup Consolidat d'Innovació Docent (GID-CAV)
Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Consolidado PSICOSAO


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How to Cite
Pérez, F. J., Romeo, M., & Yepes-Baldó, M. (2017). The corporate social responsibility policies for the inclusion of people with disabilities as predictors of employees’ identification, commitment and absenteeism. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 34(1), 101–107.
Social and Organizational Psychology

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