Adaptation and validation of the CUVE3-EP questionnaire for the assessment of school violence in Dominican Republic primary schools
The aim of this work was to design and validate an adapted to Dominican Republic primary schools version of the CUVE3-EP questionnaire (Álvarez-García, Núñez & Dobarro, 2012). The questionnaire was applied to 1945 fifth-, sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students (aged from 11 to 17 years), from 14 primary schools in Santo Domingo. Confirmatory factor analyses show that the seven-factor model (verbal violence among students, student verbal violence against teachers, direct physical violence and threats among students, indirect physical violence by students, social exclusion among students, disruptive behavior in the classroom, and teacher violence against students) offers a significantly better fit than the other models tested. After examining its psychometric properties, it was concluded that the presented version of the CUVE3-EP is a reliable and valid measure for the assessment of school violence in Dominican Republic primary schools.
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