Structural validity of a questionnaire to measure effective behaviors in work teams


  • Tomas Bonavia Facultad de Psicología Dpto. de Psicología Social Universidad de Valencia Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 46010 VALENCIA (Spain)
  • J. Gabriel Molina Universidad de Valencia
  • Amparo Puchol Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: teamwork skills, team work behaviors, factor analysis, communication, acceptance, emotions


We present a study of the structural validity of the questionnaire proposed by Philip R. Harris (1995; Spanish translation by the Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2001) aimed to assess the effectiveness of the individual behavior of people working in a team. The instrument was applied to a sample of 771 employees from different teams existing in several organizations dedicated to the care of dependent adults. The completion of the exploratory factor analysis revealed a three-dimensional factor structure that explained 63.2% of the total common variance. The three factors identified in the analysis were labelled Communication skills, Emotional expression and Acceptance. Philip R. Harris proposed an interpretation of the test responses for each one of the questionnaire items separately; however, our results support obtaining of scores on the three factors extracted, which represent relevant dimensions in the study of the skills that the components of an effective team should possess.


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How to Cite
Bonavia, T., Molina, J. G., & Puchol, A. (2015). Structural validity of a questionnaire to measure effective behaviors in work teams. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 31(2), 667–676.
Social and Organizational Psychology

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