Induced affect impact on creativity, post change personal growth and perceived adjustment after narrating an intense emotional experience.
Supporting Agencies
- Beca del Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia (PSI2011-26315)
- beca del Gobierno Vasco al Grupo de Investigación (IT-666-13 y UFI 11/04) y la beca Predoctoral de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Universitatea otorgada a la primera autora.
An experimental study contrast the effects of inducing positive affect on creativity and the mediational role of positive emotions. High and low positive affect was induced by asking subjects to write three poems Haikus about high (N = 28) and low positive connotation stimuli (N = 28). Then people wrote about their more intense infatuation experience and answered a scale on the emotions felt when writing the text, a measure of personal growth or benefits, and a measure of achievement of adaptive goals after the episode. In high positive affect condition was reported more positive and less negative emotions in recounting the experience, more personal growth and a better adjustment. Last poem and narration of experience were evaluated as more original in high positive condition by independent judges. A mediational analysis showed that positive emotions explain partially the influence of the manipulation on personal growth and perceived adjustment.Downloads
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