The ability to manage self-proposed projects between 1;3 and 2;0 years old: a study of inhibition and resistance to interference
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- Este proyecto ha sido subvencionado por el MICINN (Proyecto HAR2009-07223/HIST).
This study examines very young children’s ability to manage self-proposed projects by using the inhibitory function and resistance to interference. In a natural environment and using an observational method, we conducted a longitudinal study of a sample observed at 1;3, 1;6, 1;9 and 2;0 years old. The research was divided into two studies which followed different procedures and looked at the projects carried out, the interferences produced and the functioning of inhibition. We observed significant differences in the execution of inhibition at the different age groups. We also describe general cognitive functions in terms of significant patterns, and determine that the use of inhibition is linked not only to age but also to the activity complexity level and the type of interference.
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