Personality and panic disorder: a review


  • Jorge J. Osma Universidad de Zaragoza. Campus de Teruel
  • Azucena García-Palacios Creos, centro de psicoterapia y formación. Castellón
  • Cristina Botella Universitat Jaume I. Castellón
Keywords: Personality, panic disorder, review, agoraphobia, personality disorders, risk factors.


In this work we offer a comprehensive review of the scientific contributions that have been made in the last three decades on the influence of personality in the psychopathology of panic disorder (PD) with or without agoraphobia (AG). The findings that are discussed are representative of two different theoretical models in the assessment and the study of personality, the clinical approach to personality and the dimensional approach to personality. From both perspectives, there is sufficient evidence to associate the personality factors and the pathological personality traits more related to negative emotionality and emotional dysregulation with PD, with or without AG. Among the vulnerability factors identified in relation to the onset of PD and the maintenance of its symptoms are: specific family and education patterns, behavioral inhibition, anxiety sensitivity, and, more recently, the perception of anxiety control. From a clinical perspective it is very important to identify these psychopathological vulnerabilities in order to design and implement promotion, prevention and treatment programs that specifically target the disordered psychological processes and reduce, more quickly and effectively, the suffering of people with these conditions.


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Author Biography

Jorge J. Osma, Universidad de Zaragoza. Campus de Teruel

Profesor Ayudante Doctor

Departamento de Psicología y Sociología

How to Cite
Osma, J. J., García-Palacios, A., & Botella, C. (2014). Personality and panic disorder: a review. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 30(2), 381–394.
Clinical and Health Psychology

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