Construction of a risk index of HIV infection and its relation to double morale and dyadic power in adolescents


  • MariaPaz Bermúdez Universidad de Granada (Granada, España)
  • MaríaTeresa Ramiro Universidad de Granada (Granada, España)
  • Juan C. Sierra Universidad de Granada (Granada, España)
  • Gualberto Buela-Casal Universidad de Granada (Granada, España)
Keywords: Power relationships in couple, double morale, adolescents


The current study aimed to analyze the link between power over couple relationship and double morale, and its influence on the prevention of HIV infection risk in Colombian adolescents. The sample was composed of 599 adolescents, males and females aged between 12 and 18 studying in public or private schools. In order to construct the risk index the following variables were used:  Consistent condom use, Number of sexual partners, having sexual intercourse under the effects of some drug, Having used the morning-after pill and Self-initiative in condom use. Predictors were power over couple relationship and double morale. Results indicated that women had more power in their couple relationships and lower adherence to double morale. Low adherence to double morale was related to more power in the relationship, which predicted less risk of HIV infection. Double morale was not directly associated with risk of HIV infection. In men, adherence to double morale predicted an enhanced risk of infection.


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How to Cite
Bermúdez, M., Ramiro, M., Sierra, J. C., & Buela-Casal, G. (2013). Construction of a risk index of HIV infection and its relation to double morale and dyadic power in adolescents. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 29(3), 917–922.
Social and Organizational Psychology