Factors related to depression in adolescents: academic achievement and family dynamics.


  • Iris Xóchitl Galicia Moyeda
  • Alejandra Sánchez Velasco
  • Francisco Javier Robles Ojeda
Keywords: Adolescents, depression, academic achievement, family rela-tionships, life events, emotional state


The study of the connection between depression and academic achievement in adolescents has not been totally clarified because of the use of different tools for the evaluation of depression and several parame-ters for taking academic achievement into account. On the other hand, it is important to mention that, in spite of the influence of the family dynamics on depression and academic achievement have been analyzed, the analysis of either of these has been done individu-ally. 245 adolescents currently attending to school participated on the research in order to analyze a) the relationship between their academic achievement and their depression standards, they were evaluated through the Kovacks and Zung depression inventories, b) the connection between three tools that asses family relationships, and c) the relation between depression standards, academic achievement and family dynamics in ado-lescents Differential connections between academic achievement and depres-sion were found depending on the tool with which the latter was evalu-ated. The connection between depression, family dynamics and academic achievement is not set by the general average at school, but, in a particular way, by the average in some subjects and by an assessing family dynamics tools subscale.


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How to Cite
Xóchitl Galicia Moyeda, I., Sánchez Velasco, A., & Robles Ojeda, F. J. (2009). Factors related to depression in adolescents: academic achievement and family dynamics. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 25(2), 227–240. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesps/article/view/87501
Clinical and Health Psychology