The Mediator Role of Use of Emotion in the Association between Personality Traits and Workaholism
This study examined the mediator role of Use of Emotion (UoE) component of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Scale in the relationship between Extraversion (EX) and Conscientiousness (CO) within the Big Five (BF) personality factors, and the dimensions of Working Excessively (WE) and Working Compulsively (WC) of Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS). Along with this aim, data were collected from healthcare staff, most of who were nurses, working at private hospitals serving in İstanbul. The findings indicated that Working Excessively (WE) had a non-significant direct effect on Extraversion (EX) (β = -.358; p > .05) while the indirect effect of Working Excessively (WE) on Extraversion (EX) through Use of Emotion (UoE) was significant (β = .147; p < .05). This study revealed that Use of Emotion (UoE) acted as a full mediator in the effect of Working Excessively (WE) on Extraversion (EX).
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