Predictive variables of sexual inactivity in the elderly


Keywords: sexual inactivity, elderly, self-perceived health, attitudes towards sexuality, sociodemographic factors


Extensive studies carried out in recent decades have noted the relevance of sexual activity to the health, well-being and quality of life of older people. In this context, we propose this research work that aims to know the factors that can potentially explain sexual inactivity in older populations. In addition to the sociodemographic factors that have traditionally been associated with sexual activity, we explored the explanatory potential and the sensitivity in the estimation of sexual inactivity in the last year of health perceptions and attitudes towards sexuality in a sample of 200 subjects between 62 and 91 years old (M = 71.30, SD = 5.48). The results obtained suggest important percentages of variance explained by the regression model where variables such as the existence of a partner, age and place of origin are incorporated (R2 = .295). Our results also point to the fact that, both the perception and concern for sexual health and the considerations regarding sexual relations before marriage or sex without love, would explain the sexual inactivity of the elderly. These results allow us to suggest the potential of the intervention centered on stereotypes and attitudes towards sexuality.


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How to Cite
Piñeiro, I. ., Ullauri, M., Rodríguez, S. ., Regueiro, B. ., & Iris Estevez. (2020). Predictive variables of sexual inactivity in the elderly. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 36(3), 512–520.
Social and Organizational Psychology

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