Classroom coliving climate: nature, measurement, effects and implications for social education. A cross-cultural study


  • Jesús Alonso Tapia Faculty of Psychology University Autónoma de Madrid
  • Cecilia Simón, Dr Unversidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Nuria López-Valle Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • María Alexandra Ulate Ministerio de Educación Pública
  • María Loreto Biehl Inter-American Development Development Bank
Keywords: classroom climate, coliving climate, socio-emotional climate, students’ interactions


This paper has three objectives, after proposing an initial model of classroom coliving climate: to develop two measures to test its validity, to test their usefulness for analyzing differences between classrooms, and to do it in two different countries. The initial model includes seven interaction patterns that, if present, favor the students’ social inclusion. The first questionnaire assesses the classroom coliving climate perceived by the student, and the second, the degree in which the student interacts according to the model. Participants were 2581 Secondary-School students, 2038 from Costa Rica and 543 from Spain. To test model-fit, confirmatory factor analyses, cross validation and multi-group analyses were carried out. Correlation and regression analyses were also carried out to determine discriminant and concurrent validity using as criteria a measure of social integration. ANOVA analyses were used to test for differences between classrooms (η2 between .19 and .28). Results, similar in both countries, showed that both questionnaires had adequate structural validity (CFI between .94 and .97), and discriminant and concurrent validity (r predictors-criterion between .37 and .44; p < .0001). Due to the nature of their content, the questionnaires can be used for planning interventions aimed at improving coliving, and for assessing their effectiveness.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Alonso Tapia, Faculty of Psychology University Autónoma de Madrid

Catedrático de Personalidad, Evaluación y tratamiento psicológicos

Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud

facultad de psicología

Universidad Autónoma

Cecilia Simón, Dr, Unversidad Autónoma de Madrid

Senior Lecturer 

Nuria López-Valle, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Master Student

María Alexandra Ulate, Ministerio de Educación Pública

General Manager of Curriculum Development

María Loreto Biehl, Inter-American Development Development Bank

Senior Specialist in Education at the IDB Office, responsible for the technical and operational dialogue for the sector


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How to Cite
Alonso Tapia, J., Simón, C., López-Valle, N., Ulate, M. A., & Biehl, M. L. (2019). Classroom coliving climate: nature, measurement, effects and implications for social education. A cross-cultural study. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 35(3), 424–433.
Developmental and Educational Psychology

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