
  • Begoña Pumar
  • Ana Ayerbe
  • Alberto Espina Eizaguirre
  • Enrique García
  • Asunción Santos
Keywords: drug abusers, family environment, perception of family relationships, therapeutic implications


The social environment of a subject has an important influence in overy areas of his social and personal development. With the aim of study the drug abuser' family relationships we have specially observed the concept of family environmment of Moos and we have reviewed the studies about this subject observed specially those in wich it is used the FES (Moos y Moos, 1981). This study aims in the perception of the family environment of 96 families (60 families with a drug abuser and 36 controls without patology). Although the comparison of the profils of the FES in the families of the group of drug abusers doesn't present important devitations related with the normative sample for spanish population, the diferences are marked by a lower level of CO, EX, IC, and SR and higher level of CN in the drug abusers' families related to the controls. Likewise, we have found that the scales of CN together with the Mean Family Environment have the higher significance in order to distinguish the groups, in view of the discriminant analysis done.


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Author Biographies

Begoña Pumar

Universidad del País Vasco

Ana Ayerbe

Universidad del País Vasco

Alberto Espina Eizaguirre

Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamientos Psicológicos Facultad de Psicología Universidad del País Vasco

Enrique García

Universidad del País Vasco

Asunción Santos

Universidad del País Vasco
How to Cite
Pumar, B., Ayerbe, A., Espina Eizaguirre, A., García, E., & Santos, A. DRUG ABUSERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF FAMILY ENVIRONMENT. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 11(2), 143–152. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesps/article/view/29961
Clinical and Health Psychology

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