Infra-humanization of outgroups throughout the world. The role of similarity, intergroup friendship, knowledge of the outgroup, and status


  • Armando Rodríguez Pérez
  • Naira Delgado Rodríguez
  • Verónica Betancor Rodríguez
  • Jacques Philippe Leyens
  • Jeroen Vaes
Keywords: infra-humanization, intergroup friendship, knowledge of the outgroup, similarity, status


Studies on infra-humanization have confirmed a greater attribution of secondary emotions to the ingroup than to outgroups, independently of the valence of these emotions. However, the variables leading to the choice of which outgroups are likely to be infra-humanized have received limited attention in the literature. This study is concerned with determining some of the relevant variables within the intergroup domain that may elicit this type of prejudice. The roles of similarity, intergroup friendship, knowledge of the outgroup, and status are analyzed with respect to the humanization of outgroups throughout the world. Results verify that not all outgroups are equally humanized. A second finding reveals that intergroup similarity, friendship, and knowledge of the outgroups increase the attribution of secondary emotions towards them, while status, as expected, is not related with outgroup humanization.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Pérez, A., Delgado Rodríguez, N., Betancor Rodríguez, V., Leyens, J. P., & Vaes, J. (2011). Infra-humanization of outgroups throughout the world. The role of similarity, intergroup friendship, knowledge of the outgroup, and status. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 27(3), 679–687. Retrieved from
Special issue. Prejudice: Sociodevelopmental perspectives. Guest Editors: Silvia Guerrero, Ileana Enesco and Rosa M Pons

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